Psychologists have conducted studies on these individuals that have been able to explain their behavior. These studies have found out that usually murderers act the way they do, because of brain injuries. Usually,they have had a tough past where they have been victims of abuse and mistreatment which eventually leads to brain injuries which are the reason of their behavior. Any kind of abuse or mistreatment, can result in lobe injuries but when these people are abused, the lobe in the brain that is usually affected is the Frontal lobe. This lobe is responsible for social aspects, reasoning and rational aspects as well. As an individuals´ Frontal lobe is affected, they have a difficulty to manage these aspects. As they have difficulty to manage these aspects they loose their minds or are not able to control their behavior and suddenly they act the way they do as murderers or delincuents. So you could say that in many cases, it is innevitable. Based on some psychologists, things that come and go set delincuents to the edge through time. This is the factor that determines when these people commit the crime. All of this information is what has derived from Dr. Louis´ theory. Originally she had proposed that some kind of brain damage could be a factor that affects these people´s behavior. With the help of Dr. Jonathan Pincus and some murders they have been able to support this theory. This said, she has been sent several times to court, so that she can testify in favor of the murderers. Although in the majority of the cases, this does not help the delincuent get out of jail, but it certainly helps society understand why these people act like they do. In the end a murderer´s behavior according to Dr. Louis is cause when there minds are injured, which causes them to commit these acts that sometimes are innevitable.,r:10,s:0&tx=63&ty=63
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